SimpleMail Extensions

None of the packages below are installed automatically onto your Newton device - you should install every package you require separately. It may seem there are a lot of packages here, but don’t panic! The minimum installation is SimpleMail and Text Stationery - everything else is optional.


These packages enable SimpleMail to handle three types of media (or MIME content-type): text, image and audio. Two components are required for each media type:

  • a decoder, which converts internet data to a native Newton format
  • stationery, which presents a view of that data.

You need to install each decoder/stationery together as a pair. This approach offers a great degree of flexibility; it means that if more decoders become available you can choose only those that meet your needs; or alternatively change just the stationery to give you a better view of the data.


Please refer to the User Guide for operating instructions. There’s also an on-line help book.





Text Stationery

You must install this to be able to view text in the InOut Box.

It has two scrolling modes, by line and by page, which you can select by tapping the Text Stationery icon in Extras/Extensions.

Alternatively, try Dan Rowley’s freeware ICS TextEdit package.
It’s good at handling large documents in the In/Out Box. After loading, activate it by choosing 'ICS Text Editor' in a message’s Show picker.


Paper Stationery

This package requires Newton 2.1 so it will only work on MP2x00 and eMate devices.

This package offers an alternative text viewer which uses the Newton Works text view. Its scrolling performance is unsurpassed.


  • The view is read-only. You can view messages in the Out Box but you cannot edit them using this stationery.
  • This stationery does not recognise the HTML Decoder.


Text Decoder

Decodes HTML and enriched text so you can view it in your InBox. However, if you have Newt’s Cape you can use that to give you a much better view of HTML.


  • This works only in conjunction with the Text Stationery.
  • It is not a complete implementation of HTML, but styled text should be handled.
  • Long messages may cause Newton to run out of memory
    (decoded data is created on the heap)



Install the Image Decoder and Image Stationery packages to be able to view JPEG and GIF format images in your In Box.

If you’re a user of TIBET you can use the TIBET Routing Format to send its JPEG images via SimpleMail.


Image Decoder

Decodes JPEG and GIF format data into Newton image frames.

This package calls upon Newt’s Cape and its JPEG conversion helper to perform the actual conversion. You must acquire and install Newt’s Cape and JPEGConvert separately. The Image Decoder will not install unless both these packages are present.


Newt’s Cape is shareware. Please support Steve Weyer’s Newton development by registering your copy.


Image Stationery

Presents an image viewer in the In Box for messages that contain image data recognised by the Image Decoder.

This package won’t do anything useful without the Image Decoder; you must install them as a pair.


TIBET Routing Format

Patches the TIBET application to route images via SimpleMail. This allows you to CC images to multiple recipients. The TIBET routing format will not install unless the TIBET application is present.

If you’ve installed the Image Decoder and Stationery, the images may be viewed in your Out Box.


GIF Routing Format

This package adds a format to the routing slip for the Notepad so you can mail sketches as GIF images...


GIF Preferences

...and this package works in conjunction with the GIF Routing Format, allowing you to send in colour. (Each pen size becomes a colour you specify.)
Thanks to Yos for developing these packages.


The original SketchMail for SimpleMail3.3 is not compatible with 4.x.



These packages use Newton 2.1 sound interfaces so they will only work on MP2x00 and eMate devices.

Install both these packages to be able to hear AIFF (Macintosh), WAV (Windows), muLaw (MIME basic audio type) and GSM format sounds in your In Box.

Currently there is no encoder for sending Newton sound in these formats.


Audio Decoder

Decodes uncompressed AIFF and WAV, muLaw and GSM format data into Newton sound frames.


Audio Stationery

Presents an audio player in the In Box for messages that contain sound data recognised by the Audio Decoder.

This package won’t do anything useful without the Audio Decoder; you must install them as a pair.



These don’t really fall into any of the categories above.



A face (called x-face in a message’s headers) is a 48x48 black&white pixel icon. Typically it is an image of the sender’s face, but it can be anything. See a Faces Archive for examples.

To send your face with every message you need to copy an x-face definition into the Sending page of SimpleMail’s preferences.


Face Decoder

Decodes the x-face message header. Its display is handled directly by SimpleMail - no additional stationery is required. If a message contains a face, the From: line in the message’s info slip becomes a button (with a diamond to its left). Tapping this displays the face.



A vCard is a virtual business card. You can enclose your owner card address information when you mail something by checking the "Send card" checkbox in the routing slip.

To decode vCard attachments you receive you need to install the vCard decoder.


vCard Decoder

Decodes vCard enclosures into Newton Names cards which can be Put Away to Names. The card appears as a separate item in a message’s Part button popup list.